quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

O destino dos lixos - tradução em Inglês

The garbage disposal is (should be) different according to each type of waste that is. However, the most common destination that is given to any residue in Brazil are called "dumps." In approximately 70% of Brazilian cities waste are still played in the final destination. 13% of its municipal waste destined to landfills and 17% in controlled landfills. Less than 10% of Brazilian municipalities carry out selective collection and recycling.

The dumps are an open space, usually located on the outskirts of cities where the trash is rotting, or it is burned. Not to be confused with a landfill, because it consists of a method that takes no account of health or ecological criteria, causing contamination of groundwater and soil and air pollution with toxic gases.

It is very common also dump garbage in creeks or vacant lots by the population of neighborhoods that do not receive attention because of its collection or municipal education. 20% of the population still do not have regular collection services. Furthermore, a significant portion of the population "educated" and who receives garbage collection services plays in inappropriate places and, above all on public roads (lamentável!).

The trash and debris should go to landfill when there is the possibility of recycling or reuse. Landfills are basically places where the waste is confined to the ground, free from contact with air and covered with a layer of earth. The terrain is waterproofed to allow liquids and gases from the decomposition that these residues are suffering under the ground (mainly bacteria) are drained and treated to avoid environmental contamination. There is still a lack of sanitary landfills in Brazil. On the other hand, most existing was not built in accordance with technical standards, affecting the soil and water resources. There are also controlled landfills that are basically an intermediate system between the waste disposal dumps and landfills, as there is an input control and coverage of people's daily garbage. However, the impacts that are cause for more negative side of the dumps than landfill because the soil and water bodies is not controlled.
Trash Destination

Today we produce household waste, commercial, sweeping and street fairs, health services and hospitals, ports and airports, rail and bus terminals, industrial, agricultural and debris.

The household waste comes from households, consisting of food scraps (such as fruit peels, vegetables, etc..) Decay products, newspapers and magazines, bottles, packaging in general, toilet paper, disposable diapers and a wide variety of other items . It also contains some waste that can be toxic. Today Brazil produces on average each pound of garbage per day, depending on the place that lives and their purchasing power, can reach more than a pound. Its average composition is twenty-five percent of paper, metal four percent, three percent of glass, plastic three percent and sixty-five percent of organic matter

The commercial is originated from many shops and services, such as supermarkets, banking facilities, shops, bars, restaurants, etc. .. Garbage and services of these establishments have a strong paper, plastic, various packaging, waste and cleanliness of employees, such as paper towels, toilet paper etc. ...

Waste are those originating from the public services: public urban cleaning, including sweeping all debris from public roads, cleaning of beaches, galleries, streams and land, remnants of pruning trees etc..; Cleaning areas fairs, consisting of various plant residues, packaging etc ...

The litter of health services and hospital waste constitutes septic, or that contain or may contain potentially pathogenic organisms. They are produced in health services, such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, veterinary clinics, health posts etc. .. They are needles, syringes, gauze, bandages, cotton, tissues and organs removed, and culture media used in animal tests, clotted blood, disposable gloves, drugs with expiry date, the tools of synthetic resin, X-ray photographic films etc.. . Waste aseptic these sites, consisting of papers, remains of food preparation, general cleaning residues (dust, ash, etc..), And other materials that do not come into direct contact with patients or septic waste described above, are considered household .

The municipal waste comes from the ports, airports, bus and rail are the septic waste, brought to ports, airports and bus terminals. Basically, stem from hygiene supplies, personal hygiene and food debris that can carry diseases from other cities, states and countries. Also in this case, the waste aseptic these sites are regarded as home.

Industrial waste is originated in the activities of various industries such as metallurgy, chemical, petrochemical, paper, food, etc. .. Industrial waste is quite varied and can be represented by ash, sludge, waste acid or alkali, plastics, paper, wood, fibers, rubber, metal, slag, glass, ceramics, etc. .. This category includes the vast majority considered toxic waste.

The agricultural waste is solid waste from agricultural and livestock activities, such as packaging of fertilizers, pesticides, feed, crop stubble, etc. .. In many regions of the world, these residues are already a growing concern, especially the huge amounts of manure generated in intensive livestock farms. Also the packaging of various pesticides in general highly toxic, have been the subject of specific legislation, setting out the care in their final destination and sometimes co-own industry blaming the manufacturer of these products.

The debris is construction waste, demolition and construction debris, soil excavation, etc ... It is generally an inert material, subject to recycling.
Where does the trash

All that junk has generated a destination, ie 76% of the waste collected in the country is open, ie, 182,400 tons is collected daily. The rest goes to landfill (controlled, 13%, or health, 10%), composting plants (0.9%), incinerators (0.1%) and an insignificant portion is recovered in recycling plants.

It is estimated that Brazil lost per year, R $ 4.6 billion (1996 estimate) at least to not reuse the waste it produces. 40% of the municipalities receive no garbage collection service. 40 000 tons of garbage are not collected daily. The selective collection is practiced in a little over 80 municipalities, primarily in the South and Southeast.

The reason is that recycling is fifteen times more expensive to throw garbage in landfills. To get an idea, every fifty pounds of paper used, transformed into new paper, prevents a tree down.

Every fifty pounds of used and recycled aluminum, prevents extracted from the soil about five thousand pounds of ore, bauxite.

With a pound of broken glass, it is exactly one pound of new glass. And the great advantage of glass is that it can be recycled countless times.

Now just imagine the landfill: the material is there, occupying space, and could have been recycled! How many cans you have played out? How many trees could have helped to preserve?

One of the alternatives for disposal of garbage and the landfill is a process used for solid waste disposal in the ground, particularly household waste, 88% which, based on "engineering criteria and standards specific operational, allows the safe confines terms of control of environmental pollution, protect public health "or" way of disposal of solid waste in the soil, through confinement layers covered with inert material, usually soil, in accordance with specific operational standards, and To avoid damage or risk to public health and safety, minimizing environmental impacts. "

However, today, the Landfill received approximately 16,000 tons of residential garbage a day, almost rough, which contributes to the life runs out very quickly.
Unfortunately, the city of São Paulo due to urban expansion and environmental requirements, is out of the area for new ones. Currently, that are in operation, considering the planned expansions have an estimated useful life up to three and a half years, if kept the same daily tonnage of waste received today.

Another way is that the landfill is a technique of urban solid waste disposal in the ground without causing damage or hazards to public health and safety, minimizing environmental impacts. This method uses engineering principles to confine the solid waste, covering them with a layer of inert material at the conclusion of each workday.

This form of provision produces, in general, localized pollution, as similar to the landfill, the extension of the disposal area is minimized. Generally, however, has no waterproofing basic (threatening the quality of groundwater), or treatment systems slurry or dispersion of the gases generated.

This method is preferable to landfill, but due to environmental problems that cause and its operating costs, the quality is inferior to the landfill.

Another way of rubbish disposal is the dump it is a place where there is inadequate disposal of solid waste, which is characterized by the mere disposal on the ground without any measures to protect the environment or public health. It is the same as dumping of waste in the open.

Thus laid waste cause public health problems, such as proliferation of disease vectors (flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, etc..), Generation of bad smells and especially pollution of soil and surface and groundwater by leachate ( liquid black, smelly and high pollution potential produced by the decomposition of organic matter contained in waste), affecting water resources.

Added to this, the total lack of control on the types of waste received at these sites and there is even a provision for waste arising from health services and industries.

Typically, landfills are associated with highly undesirable events, such as raising pigs and the presence of scavengers (which often reside on the premises).

One of the alternatives created for the amount of organic waste (the rest of plants and animals, leaves, food scraps, straw, bark, fruit, eggs, vegetables, etc.) produced is composting, a process by which certain types of materials can be decomposed and mixed to turn into compost. In the composting of organic material is made by the action of decomposers and need physical and chemical conditions suitable to drive the formation of a good quality product.

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